This Twine is a test of Twine's features. [[Arrays]] [[Hooks]] [[Input]] [[Markdown]] [[Variables]][[Return->Start]] ```` Surround code. #``#``Header 1 ##``##``Header 2 ###``###``Header 3 ####``####``Header 4 #####``#####``Header 5 ######``######``Header 6 ``---`` --- ==> ==> Right-aligned. =><= =><= Centered <==> <==> Justified =><== =><== 33% Left-align, 67% right-align. <== <== Left-aligned. * ``*`` Bullet 1 * `` *`` Bullet 2 ** ``**`` Indented Bullet *** ``***`` Three bullets. **** ``****`` Four bullets. 0. ``0.`` Numbered item. 0. `` 0.`` Numbered item 2. 0.0. `` 0.0.`` Indented numbered item. ``''`` ''Bold.'' ``''`` ``**Bold**`` ``//`` //Italics.// ``//`` ``*Italics*`` ``//''`` //''Bold Italics.''// ``''//`` ``^^`` ^^Superscript^^ ``^^`` ``~~`` ~~Delete~~ ``~~`` ``<mark>`` <mark>Marked.</mark> ``</mark>`` (font: "monospace")[``<!-- Commented. -->``] (font: "monospace")[``(text-style: "")[Text.]``] (font: "monospace")[``(font: "font name")[Text.]``] (font: "Courier New")[Courier New] (font: "monospace")[``(color: hex or name)[Text.]``] (color: yellow + blue)[yellow + blue] (color: #f00)[``#f00``] (color: #0000ff)[``#0000ff``] (color: lime)[lime] (text-style: "strike")[strikethrough] (text-style: "blink")[blink] (text-style: "mark")[mark] (text-style: "outline")[outline] (text-style: "shadow")[shadow] (text-style: "emboss")[emboss] (text-style: "condense")[condense] (text-style: "expand")[expand] (text-style: "blur")[blur] (text-style: "blurrier")[blurrier] (text-style: "smear")[smear] (text-style: "mirror")[mirror] (text-style: "upside-down")[upside-down] (text-style: "fade-in-out")[fade-in-out] (text-style: "rumble")[rumble] (text-style: "shudder")[shudder] (font: "monospace")[``(link: "Click to dissolve.")[(t8n: "dissolve")[dissolve]]``] (link: "Click to dissolve.")[(t8n: "dissolve")[dissolve]] (link: "Click to shudder.")[(t8n: "shudder")[shudder]] (link: "Click to pulse.")[(t8n: "pulse")[pulse]] (font: "monospace")[``[[Return->to->Start]]``] [[Return->to->Start]][[Return->Start]] This passage may change when it is rendered: [[Refresh->Variables]] ``{ }`` Reduces spacing that can occur from coding, allowing spaced code. The variable ``$var`` is currently $var. (font: "monospace")[``(set: $x to 5)``] (set: $x to 5) The variable ``$x`` is currently $x. (font: "monospace")[``(either: "heads", "tails")``] (either: "heads", "tails") (font: "monospace")[``(random: 1, 6)``] (random: 1, 6) Fudge Dice are six-sided dice with two minus sides, two blank sides, and two plus sides. You roll four of them and total the results, then add it to any modifiers. (font: "monospace")[``(print: (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1))``] (print: (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1) + (random: -1, 1)) To see each die result instead, we need more variables. (font: "monospace")[(``set:`` ``$r1`` to (``random:`` -1, 1)] Repeat for ``$r2``, ``$r3``, ``$r4``. (font: "monospace")[(``set:`` ``$rt`` to ``$r1`` + ``$r2`` + ``$r3`` + ``$r4``) ``$r1`` + ``$r2`` + ``$r3`` + ``$r4`` = ``$rt``] { (set: $r1 to (random: -1, 1)) (set: $r2 to (random: -1, 1)) (set: $r3 to (random: -1, 1)) (set: $r4 to (random: -1, 1)) (set: $rt to $r1 + $r2 + $r3 + $r4) } $r1 + $r2 + $r3 + $r4 = $rt Operators: +, -, /, *, %, >, <, >=, <=, is, not Value macros: floor, ceil, round, min, max, abs, sign, sin, cos, tan (font: "monospace")[``(print: time)``] (print: time)ms to render passage. (font: "monospace")[``(if: $r1 is 1)[One.](elseif: $r1 is -1)[Negative one.](else:)[Zero.]``] (if: $r1 is 1)[One.](elseif: $r1 is -1)[Negative one.](else:)[Zero.] ********** [[Refresh->Variables]] ********** [[Arrays]] ********** [[Return->Start]][[Return->Start]] ``|tag>[This is a hook.]`` ``[This is a hook.]<tag|`` [This is a hook.]<tag| (font: "monospace")[``(print: ?tag)``] (print: ?tag) (font: "monospace")[``(font: "Courier New")[?tag]``] (font: "Courier New")[?tag] ``|coin>[Flip a coin.]`` (font: "monospace")[``(if: (either: "heads", "tails") is "tails")[The coin shows tails.]`` ``(else:)[(replace: ?coin)[The coin shows heads.]]``] { |coin>[Flip a coin.] (if: (either: "heads", "tails") is "tails")[The coin shows tails.] (else:)[The coin shows heads.] } [[Refresh->Hooks]] Example from <a href="" target="_blank"></a>: (font: "monospace")[``Your [ballroom gown]<c1| is [bright red]<c2| with [silver streaks]<c3|, and covered in [moonstones]<c4|. (click: ?c1)[A hand-me-down from your great aunt.] (click: ?c2)[A garish shade, to your reckoning.] (click: ?c3)[Only their faint shine keeps them from being seen as grey.] (click: ?c4)[Dreadfully heavy, they weigh you down and make dancing arduous.]``] Your [ballroom gown]<c1| is [bright red]<c2| with [silver streaks]<c3|, and covered in [moonstones]<c4|. (click: ?c1)[A hand-me-down from your great aunt.] (click: ?c2)[A garish shade, to your reckoning.] (click: ?c3)[Only their faint shine keeps them from being seen as grey.] (click: ?c4)[Dreadfully heavy, they weigh you down and make dancing arduous.] [[Return->Start]][[Return->Start]] [[Variables]] (font: "monospace")[``(set: $a to (array: 1, "two", "3") + (array: 4, "five")) $a``] (set: $a to (array: 1, "two", "3") + (array: 4, "five")) $a (font: "monospace")[``(if: $a contains "3")[True](else:)[False]``] (if: $a contains "3")[True](else:)[False] (font: "monospace")[``(if: 3 is in $a)[True](else:)[False]``] (if: 3 is in $a)[True](else:)[False] (font: "monospace")[``(print: $a's 2nd)``] (print: $a's 2nd) (font: "monospace")[``(print: $a's 2ndlast)``] (print: $a's 2ndlast) (font: "monospace")[``(print: (text: $a's 1st + $a's 4th) + " units.")``] (print: (text: $a's 1st + $a's 4th) + " units.") (font: "monospace")[``(count: $a, "five")``] (count: $a, "five") (font: "monospace")[``(substring: "String", 3, 5)``] (substring: "String", 2, 5) (font: "monospace")[``(subarray: $a, 2, 3)``] (subarray: $a, 2, 3) (font: "monospace")[``(set: $tree to (a: "Elm", "Larch", "Spruce")) (if: "Larch" is in $tree)[Number two: The larch.](else:)[That is not a tree.]``] (set: $tree to (a: "Elm", "Larch", "Spruce"))(if: "Larch" is in $tree)[Number two: The larch.](else:)[That is not a tree.] (font: "monospace")[``(set: $thief to (datamap: "Strength", 9, "Health", 9, "Dexterity", 12, "Intellect", 10)) (print: $thief's Strength) (set: $thief's Health to 8) (print: $thief)``] (set: $thief to (datamap: "Strength", 9, "Health", 9, "Dexterity", 12, "Intellect", 10))(print: $thief's Strength) (set: $thief's Health to 8)(print: $thief) [[Return->Start]]Last person to sign: $name Name: (input: $name) (radio: $speak "Hello") (radio: $speak "Goodbye") (checkbox: $feels "Good") (checkbox: $feels "Well")